Actually NASA is receiving a great deal of federal money-more than usual. unfortunately none of it will benefit the 3,000 layed off workers or the Brevard County Economy. So I still call for investment in practical global warming prevention industries such as the development of cheap solar panels for homes in the Sunshine State and a battery operated leaf blower to replace the noisy,air polluting gas type used all over America( especially on the country club 6th green outside my window at 7 a.m. each day not to mention the condo maintainance leaf blowers later in the day plus every house in my neighborhood)and year round in the Sunshine State to be manufactured by the federal government at the Kennedy Space Center until the Moon and Beyond program is ready to run full time. Brevard needs jobs. We have skilled workers. Give us a practical stimulus package that will benefit the citizens of Brevard County. Big business has had its day thanks to government laissez-faire policies now help the common people fight enrgy prices, gas blower air pollution,and the local economy (stores, restaurants, etc.). Besides helping the mafia controlled construction business, help us.
Do you look at Florida crime statistics? That was during good economic times. It's practically a third world state with murders, drug wars,a third of the state in prison, welfare, etc. Why ? There are no jobs. There is no industry. It's all over seas not in Florida. We even drink foreign orange juice andeat foreign fruits and vegetables. We already had a recession. With the end of the Kennedy Space Center, it will be a depression. Do we have to riot to get a little money like AIG,Bank of Amercia etc. receive. We are willing to work. Provide some jobs as suggested above : the manufacture of inexpensive solar panels and battery driven leaf blowers. If a golf cart can be charged every night, why can't the leaf blowers. The fumes and noise are killing us not to mention the environment, the ozone layer and the earth. Get real Give us help=jobs.
As for baseball, no news is good news.
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