Sunday, March 29, 2009

New York,New York

Finally Mike Lupica stood up for the Yankees and Derek Jeter. So the Connecticut Yankee ESPN bashing of the NEW YORK Yankees was modified for a day. Even Miss Selena curtailed her Yankee expose for a day. They are worried about the expensive box seats at the new totally unnecessary Yankee Stadium It's too late. Why didn't they say something when this monument to corporate greed was first proposed. It's just like illegal immigration and steroids, they and the government wait until it's established until they complain.

Has ESPN or the government noticed the excesses and cruelty of wrestlling, boxing and total boxing not to mention violent video games? How about gladiators and Christians to the Lions? Michael Vick can go to jaill for torturing animals. But human cruelty and torture is ok. Not to forget football- the new national pasttime. People don 't have time to watch baseball. But they have entire weekends to watch football.

Which brings us to basketball. Now that's a sport. Unfortunately many parts of the world are too short to play it. Also it's too blsck. So the mafia promotes white sports.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I give up

There's good news and bad news. First the good- the blog I just wrote castigating the callous bumbling of my case by the local medical profession and the total disinterest in it by my all I care about is the Final Four and myself husband just disappeared. The bad-I'll do an abbreviated version..The doctors have lost my records, accused me of having fainting spells all in my mind,forgotten to schedule a TEE twice thank God because I don't want one, not been able to see me until May 1st,and often don't answer the phone. The worst was the neurologist who scrambled my brain with a dizziness inducing (they blow air in your ear) fall and balance test three hours before an MRI showed that I had mutiple ministrokes all over my brain. Then they billed my insurance incorrectly for physical therapy. Natasha Richardson, John Travolta's son Jet and I get zero help for our symptoms. I'm going to my other house for R&R. So you're on your own bloggers of America. This Yankee is going home.

As for baseball, no news is good news. Of course the name has been officially changed to beisbol since the WBC which has as much interest in the US as the WORLD CUP in soccer.

So next week I'm calling Morgan, Morgan and Morgan. This patient's office is closed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Revision-To The Moon,Alice

Actually NASA is receiving a great deal of federal money-more than usual. unfortunately none of it will benefit the 3,000 layed off workers or the Brevard County Economy. So I still call for investment in practical global warming prevention industries such as the development of cheap solar panels for homes in the Sunshine State and a battery operated leaf blower to replace the noisy,air polluting gas type used all over America( especially on the country club 6th green outside my window at 7 a.m. each day not to mention the condo maintainance leaf blowers later in the day plus every house in my neighborhood)and year round in the Sunshine State to be manufactured by the federal government at the Kennedy Space Center until the Moon and Beyond program is ready to run full time. Brevard needs jobs. We have skilled workers. Give us a practical stimulus package that will benefit the citizens of Brevard County. Big business has had its day thanks to government laissez-faire policies now help the common people fight enrgy prices, gas blower air pollution,and the local economy (stores, restaurants, etc.). Besides helping the mafia controlled construction business, help us.
Do you look at Florida crime statistics? That was during good economic times. It's practically a third world state with murders, drug wars,a third of the state in prison, welfare, etc. Why ? There are no jobs. There is no industry. It's all over seas not in Florida. We even drink foreign orange juice andeat foreign fruits and vegetables. We already had a recession. With the end of the Kennedy Space Center, it will be a depression. Do we have to riot to get a little money like AIG,Bank of Amercia etc. receive. We are willing to work. Provide some jobs as suggested above : the manufacture of inexpensive solar panels and battery driven leaf blowers. If a golf cart can be charged every night, why can't the leaf blowers. The fumes and noise are killing us not to mention the environment, the ozone layer and the earth. Get real Give us help=jobs.

As for baseball, no news is good news.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We threw the British out of the USA in 1776. Why in 2009 are we letting them rule the waves again? The air waves I mean. It's a tiny country 9probably smaller than Texas and many other states. Since the advent of Rupert Murdoch(the official second coming to most conservatives and other muckrakers) nasty British people are dominating the US television market. Not that the Hollywood version is much better. But at lelalstl it's American .

The latest was Simon Cowell berating a blind excellent singer and piano player(musician) about his performance. He even used a hand gesture when speaking to a blind person(then he said what he meant). Simon Callous was just showing why the British Empire fell. The red haired host of a quiz show who was cruel to the contestants is another example. Then Chef Ramsey from Britain whose commercials are so cruel to desperate souls who will take any abuse to get ahead in the restaurant world. The commerciall is so vicious in its treatment of others that I would never watch the show. Of course the USA has Tyra Banks picking apart beautiful people because they one extra eyebrow hair and iots are happenening in NYC among vicious contestants on the show. But at least she's American. We do not need nasty Simple Simons imported from Britain. We already have enough cruel people in the USA.

It was St. Patrick's Day in the USA. I missed the first song-hopefully it was Irish- but I doubt those simple Simons would ever think of anything with heart like that. So I say what the IRA always said: England get out of gthe USA and take your Australian muckraker undoubtedly great grand son of a prison colony detainee from the 19th century away too.

I've been to Britain many times and have never met the sanctimmonious self righteous cruel twits that are imported to the USA. It's a fabulous country and society. These bombastic boobs are not represenative f the British culture. They repesent it's lowest form just like Tyra Banks,the Kardascians.the Hugh Hefners, the Sopranos, CSI Miami. Las Vegas etc. represent thje lowest form of our society not to mention Snoop Doggy, Flava Flave, Pimp MY Ride etc. represent the lowest US influences.

I love music. I never watch Idol in the early shows when they make fun of the retarded(brain damaged) and mentally ill. It is not funny. It is cruel. It is as low as operating a freak show at the circu s to make money. How low can you go? So last night they had mercy on a beautiful blonde who wasout of tune and croaking out a song because she had the flu( and is highly marketable in a non-existent music scene) but not on a blind person who was great!!!.

It is not open season on people with disabilities. That's what the entertainment industry as evidenced by recent movies,NBC comedy shows etc. seem to think. They are lifting the taboos on disabilities, women, race, gays etc. as sources of derision that 40 years of civil rights have tried to prevent. America's teenagers think Rihanna deserved to be beaten up. So homegrown cruelty and prejudice is bad enough but do we have to import it.

The British Empire fell because they were cruel to the countries they controlled. The USA was one of the first to revolt. Ireland was one of the last. Part of it is still not free of the British. You've got to be taught to hate. Every American (except me with a Masters Degree in French) has lelarned to hate the French because they are rude. But the cruel Brtish who subjugated other peoples for centuries are perfectly acceptable. They can come on US television and castigate Americans of every gender,race, nationality, color, creed and disability and they are our allies, friends, beloved leaders. Watch Gunga Din again, Slum Dog Millionaire to learn about the cruelty of some British. Believe me not everyone in Britain is like Simon and Chef Ramsey or in the USA like snotty Tyra Bamks or Snoop Doggy's Fatherhood or the Sopranos but they've risen to the top. The audition riots for the Tyra Banks show in NYC show others are scrambling to take their place at he top.

So Rupert owns the Wall Street Journal and Direct TV. It all must be regulated by the FCC. It is allowing the most prurient interests in America and the World to permeate our society. The US was founded by Pilgrims who believed so much in Christianity (kindness) to set sail to a new world to practice their religion freely. No one can be that good and survive but the USA has deteriorated to the lowest form -torturing prisoners, attacking other counntries etc. CNBC,MSNBC,the networks are no better. CNN is taking a crash course in how to sell the news from Fox. Jon Stewart took on some. Which brings us to Obama bashers. Enough already. He's been in office two months trying to undo what Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal buddies created with deregulation. Even Greenspan says he didn't know what was going on. He's an economist. We're not. Erin Go Bragh. Ireland Forever! It was country music night. Irish music is the original source. Consider the source!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shuttle Launch

The Space Shuttle Discovery's sunset launch last night at 7:43 pm from the Kennedy Space Center across the Indian River from Titusville was the last night launch and one of the best in spite of a haze on the horizon. You could see the two boosters separate from the shuttle clearly above the Indian River. The Sunset cast a bright red-yellow glow on the exhaust trail above the river. It was one of the best- a real blast.

The Kennedy Space Center brought the world television,cell phone,GPS, aand weather satellites to name a few. unfortunately the US government does not value these important economic contributions so 3,000 skilled workers willl be let go in 2010 not to mention local employees. The Space Coast economy will be decimated. In these perilous times, that's adding pain to misery. We need a stimulus plan by the US Government for the Space Coast. We are a one company county. I say start asap producing solar panels at KSC for every house in Florida. We don't need research into Global Warming. We need action. Put the KSC workers to work on something needed by our society while the Kennedy Space Revamps for future space travel to the Moon and beyond. They've got the technological ability. use it. Or do you want to outsource it to Russia like the future Space Shuttle blast offs.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So athletes in underwear are in the news. Papelbon, the 'wearing underwear Boston Irish dancer is complaining that Manny was a cancer. At least Manny didn't parade in his underwear. After the Swedish golf pro stripped down to his underwear at Doral this week, all golf course dress codes have been nullified at every country club in the country. Those Swedes love to sun bathe nude in the Riviera but who knew they also disrobe for golf. In Florida that Swede was lucky an alligator didn't take his leg off. What is the penalty for lost balls?


Thursday, March 12, 2009


I had to wait one hour at the heart doctor with CNN news blaring in the waiting room. What ever happened to peace and quiet and reading magazines? There was no good news unless you call a Harvard Economics professor advocating the legalization and subsequent taxation of marijuana as a source of revenue for the US government. Legalization would be a boon to the ailing economy. CNN with Rick Sanchez and Mr. Smiley before him were enough to give you a heart attack with their inane slant on the news. It often made FOX News seem intelligent and that's a stretch.

So the heart doctor's staff had lost my records from the week before, never ordered a TEE (heart scope),didn't receive my records from the neurologist, and hadn't consulted with the neurologist on my symptoms. I felt shakey yesterday so I called the heart doctor's office today. They thought I was a new patient. They thought they were seeing my husband even though we told them twice the appointment was for me. So the doctor will check for blockages from the heart to the brain. Any way I feel great now but didn't earlier in the day. So who knows?

So speaking of Yankee Go home. I thought of heading north and I may sooner than mid April we'll see. Heat exacerbates all symptoms. I do have to see the neurologist in April. If you think medical help is bad here it's worse in Cape Cod. There are few doctors. You can't find a GP. No one will take new patients.

So I'm officially on the dl with AROD. Let's hope his doctor doesn't lose his records.
I'm still drug free. No prescriptions.

Yankee Doodle

So Glenn Beck and Larry The Cable Guy are organizing a protest of the Obama economic policies on Friday throughout the United States. Why didn't they do this during the election? It's all organized actually by the muckraker Rupert Murdoch. He owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and Direct TV plus that power of positive thinking New York Post. So it's some kind of Red Neck Revolution. You know you're a redneck when your IQ and education are equivalent to Larry The Cable Guy(aka Rupert Murdoch).

This is a democracy. We vote. It was the longest campaign in history vs the oldest candidate in history. Obama won. Kennedy had a thousand days before they (the Mafia) assasinated him and later his brother plus Martin Luther King. These homegrown terorists backed by Murdoch and his off shore buddies have not even given Obama a month!!!!!

The race, labor and immigrant cards are the only ones Obama has. Since the Cable Guy(Murdoch) has racheted up the rhetoric , Obama better show those cards. Unfortunately
escalation is needed, when foreigners (Murdoch) are assaulting our country. The quiet revolution is over. Until the cities burn and apartheid ensues,the battle between big money and the untouchables will rage.

We've seen the enemy and it's us. Which brings us to baseball. Good luck going to Yankee Stadium when the bonfires of the vanities erupt. Fox hates the Yankees. Rupert doesn't own the broadcast rights. Got Steinbrenners?

Sunday, March 8, 2009




I was going to eliminate all references to marital discord in this blog one day before our 24th anniversary but somehow Blogger won't let me. We are going to Grills for seafood and then to Cocoa Beach to see the ocean. Our Cape Canaveral beach is closed because of Wednesday's night time launch. At 3 :00 today the astronauts flew in from Houston. It's roasty,toasty now -clear and 80 degrees.

So you are only as sick as your secrets. The truth seems to have disabled Alex Rodriguez. Now he needs an operation. Why wasn't it done during the off season? Miss Selena was on ESPN today happy as can be to have outed Alex and to have written a book about him. I guess he believes any publicity is good publicity. ESPN announced that a Boston psychologist has written a book about Manny. He's an introvert. So the hype goes on. Agents are just trying to polish their stars for future contract talks.

ESPN took joy in bashing the players union. Of course the owners (aka former slave owners) are guiltless and beyond reproach in the era of new unneeded stadiums and expensive ticket prices. So it's all spin.

How could the Dominican Republic lose to Holland? The ludicrous nature of the World Baseball Classic is highlighted in that fiasco. Que Pasa?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

LaLa Land

So all is well in the baseball world. Manny is living in LA with his best friend Ray-hopefully it's not Alex Rodriguez's steroid injecting Dominican cousin. The World Classic continues. Right now Canada is playing the USA. I turned it off. Canada couldn't even support two teams. We had to give the Montreal Royals a stimulus package and move them to Washington(which couldn't support the Senators(the baseball team not the legislators)). I am not watching world baseball. So who is?

So Manny will be Manny in Los Angeles crying Dodger blue when he gets frustrated with the nonsense of Major League Baseball. Alex Rodriguez will be drying out from winter steroid use nursing a cyst on his hip. I guess he won't break the Iron Horse's record. Oh for the baseball of yesteryhear with cocaine in the Mets locker room and Billy and the Mick getting drunk and in barroom brawls with marshmallow salesmen. So enough talking baseball.

As you can tell by this blog, most of this malaise that I have is in my head. I only walk now and could barely make it across US 1 to get a view of the Indian River. I held onto a light pole on the island separating the north and south lanes until the vapors passed and I could cross the street when the traffic passed. I really thought I might faint. But I didn't. I held onto that pole until I felt steady again. later at 10:45 pm, I fell asleep and missed the Delta Rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

I have no husband complaints because he's been up in Daytona riding in a convoy up to St. Augustine and hanging out at The Last Resort watching the women wrestle in cream corn.

So Manny is in LA and Alex is drying out, so all is well with the world. Oh I went to the health food store. All I could get was tiny $8.95 bottle of calcium tablets that should stop these spells. I received some information on this condition. It was more medicine than I've received from 3 or 4 doctors- not even a placebo, sugar pill, nothing. Maybe I'll see Alex's cousin next. There must be something over the counter in the Dominican Republic for the Vapors.

I went to the Crean Corn wrestling last year. It was fun. The weather is perfect right now-not too hot or humid.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Outsourcing Baseball

Like all good capitalists(aka Republicans),the Major League Baseball owners are working on finalizing the outsourcing of baseball. It's not enough that most players are international because the farm system is cheaper in third world countries, now major league baseball is trying to make attendance at games and tv viewing of the American pastime worldwide. The result of this outsourcing is abuse of children in third world countries(as buscones search for money makers). We already had child abuse in baseball in the US known as Little League Baseball. Now the sharks with lipstick (aka Moms and Vice Presidential candidates) attack at soccer games(futbol).

So the LA Dodgers did sign Manny at $45 Million and have not announced a move to China to increase profits as they did in their infamous 1950's move from Brooklyn to California. But we've seen the enemy and it's us. My husband already would not go to Spring Training because it's often split squads, prima donnas on the d.l. and not real competition but basically just practicce and showcasing new talent. Now with the World Baseball Classic,only men without a country are left to play in the Florida Grapefruit League. The Mets have lost 15 players including 11 from their 40 man roster to the World Classic. The Florida real estate market is in shambles thanks to capitalist excess and now the money boys are destroying one of Florida's(and probably Arizona's) sources of tourist income. Peole move to certain Florida towns because their favorite team trains there. The World Classic is only played in one Florida city -Miami. They already have a team. So outsourcing and cheap labor have made the national pastime international to the detriment of the US economy. If you want International sports money turn to futbol. That's what all the soccer moms and children in America do.

In spite of corporate greed and pillaging of third world countries, The METS vs Nationals game in Viera was fantastic even though El Duques brother Ivan Hernandez walked in runs and pitched miserably causing the METS to lose. The Nationals manager was at the World Classic exhibition games. It was actually a more fair competition because most of the METS roster wasn't there so the NATS could win. We got up and sang Take Me Out To The Ballgame in the seventh inning stretch except for my husband the Yankee fan. He's been in Florida too long and couldn't remember the words. We had Brooklyn Pizza afterwards sitting under a picture of Ebbets Field in the Brooklyn Pizzeria in Viera. It was a gorgeous day and I had a great time. Luckily because no fan wants to see a Mets team minus most of the name players, there were plenty of tickets. We moved down and were right behind home plate. My husband wouldn't pay the $6.00 reservation fee so we had no advance tickets. There were plenty of empty seats thanks to the World Classic. It was great. So strikes, steroids and World Classics can't kill a fan's enthusiam. Beisbol has been very,very good to me!

Of course just like Chris Brown and Rihanna, we have our problems. Since I can't drive because of ministrokes or blacking out and falling in the pool or something, my husband had to drive me to the dentist. Our other house is nearby so went there. He sat while I gathered up belongings to bring over to the new house in case it sells or is rented out. Our 24th anniversary is Monday. So we all live lives of quiet desperation but with Blogger, it's not so quiet. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Any way rooting for the home team was fun! Of course, being a Libran I rooted for both.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New York,New York

We're going to the Mets vs. Washington Nationals in Viera today. I'd go on my own but now I can't drive for six months by law. My husband hates Spring Training. He wouldn't buy tickets in advance because they charge order fees(even though I'm paying). I hit he roof but got over it and we're heading down to Viera soon with a stop at Denny's for a two for one Grand Slam. We have no tickets because he wouldn't reserve in advance and pay the fees. I was livid. But we're going. So maybe it'll be the luck of the Irish and we'll get a seat. Got scalpers?

I used to go daily when I lived in Satellite Beach across the bridge from Viera. I'd watch El Duque pitch and Vlad Guererro hit. Then I'd go food shoppping at the Super Walmart next door. Frank Robinson was the manager when they were still the Royals. He was very cordial and open going around in his golf cart talking to everyone and signing autographs. It's not my team but still it's Major League baseball. We live in Massachusetts now. So it's impossible to go to Fenway. It's so small and they're so popular, you have to be a Kennedy to get tickets. I drove (when I could still drive) 5 hours to New York to see the Mets play the Yankees at Shea Stadium. The Mets were embarassingly atrocious but still it was the real thing. My husband would not go. "I am not driving 5 hours to see the Yankees and Mets play in NYC." So it's deja vu all over again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hanging Out Dirty Laundry For AllTo See

Fortunately my husband the Yankee fan does not read my blog because it's too negative. He watches CSI Miami,Las Vegas, and NY, The Sopranos,24 and every disaster that has or will occur on the History Channel. Yesterday he told me he won't transport any belongings from our other house in his van that I paid for +the insurance. Finally he read my negative blog, so I can't complain any more. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly can complain but not me. Male PMS is ok but not female. Mine is more PBS(Post-menopause BS). So the dirty laundry will no longer be hanging at Yanke Go home after today. Speaking of going home I'm out of this state right after Easter. By the way I told him I'd hire someone to Move our things from one house to the other. That's what I did last year. I'll do it again. I saw a heart doctor yesterday. He found nothing-no heart. I again received no prescriptions. But I feel good today. So this is my last health report. I'm going golfing.

As for baseball, we like the MLB cable station except they repeat their shows too much. They need my husband Bill Boylan to be a coomentator. Bill could bloviate about baseball for hours. The MLB Channel needs him. We've had enough of ESPN and their steroids witch hunt. They are headquartered in the RED SOX side of Connecticut. Of course it was the Yankees slugger that the Sports Illustrated female writer who is always on ESPN outed for steroids. Of course not another name has been mentionned. Got Yankee haters? Connecticut does/aka ESPN!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How Low Can You Go?

The neurologist told me by law I can't drive for six months. I still feel a little shaky. I do plan to drive as soon as I feel I can. (Just around town). My charming husband just broke the news to me that he won't be my chauffeur. This from a man that I pay everything for since I met him 30 years ago. I asked him for nothing. He suggested going for a drive today to the Kennedy Space Center during a tornado. So I just wanted to go to my other house to check on it. It takes five minutes. He complained. So I broke the news to him that I don't need any rides from him EVER.