Friday, March 20, 2009

I give up

There's good news and bad news. First the good- the blog I just wrote castigating the callous bumbling of my case by the local medical profession and the total disinterest in it by my all I care about is the Final Four and myself husband just disappeared. The bad-I'll do an abbreviated version..The doctors have lost my records, accused me of having fainting spells all in my mind,forgotten to schedule a TEE twice thank God because I don't want one, not been able to see me until May 1st,and often don't answer the phone. The worst was the neurologist who scrambled my brain with a dizziness inducing (they blow air in your ear) fall and balance test three hours before an MRI showed that I had mutiple ministrokes all over my brain. Then they billed my insurance incorrectly for physical therapy. Natasha Richardson, John Travolta's son Jet and I get zero help for our symptoms. I'm going to my other house for R&R. So you're on your own bloggers of America. This Yankee is going home.

As for baseball, no news is good news. Of course the name has been officially changed to beisbol since the WBC which has as much interest in the US as the WORLD CUP in soccer.

So next week I'm calling Morgan, Morgan and Morgan. This patient's office is closed.

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