Yes Virginia there is a NY State Parks Campsite where you can watch the Yankees in the General Store Cafe. It's Hither Hills on Old Montauk Highway near Montauk. When you're a Yankee fan under cover in Massachusetts and Florida this is a miracle.
You can wear your Yankee sweatshirt without fear of reprisals. In Florida, it's a white cross burning on your front lawn. In Massachusetts it's a whole Red Sox Nation that you must dodge. Hopefully they'll try to secede from the union like the Confederacy tried. When the Yankees win certain Sox words will be banned:
First will be the removal of the word wicked as a good adjective. They have Wicked Pizza here in Cape Cod with brie, strawberries and who knows what else gracing the pie. That's wicked as in evil. Got Pizza?
Anyway the Hamptons were fun. Yankees can go home. Also because we watched Alex Rodriguez finally hit andthe yankees won. We'll see the Mets vs Yankees on Sunday night. Tune in early maybe the Mets will make 3 errors in the first inning again.