Sunday, December 28, 2014


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Yankee Stadium-You can take a man out of New York but you can't take New York out of the man
Our town in Florida
                                         I've been retired for 12 years but who's counting!  I've moved 5 times.  I've bought three houses and sold two..  First I was in Long Island for two years,sold that house which I had only owned for four years because it was too far from nowhere out there near THE END.   My husband still regrets it.  He never put his foot down for the whole year we tried to sell it by owner.  We just went back.  The beaches and towns are gorgeous out there.  We now live in Cape Cod across from Martha's Vineyard.  We have to travel for an hour to see the ocean which is fabulous with sand dunes and salty air and quaint little villages here and there. We  have fallen in love with Olde Cape Cod.  It's not as plastic as the Hamptons.  We lived in the UnHampton with daily sightings of Billy Joel and Julie Andrews. But there are few Yankee fans in Massachusetts, so we don't fit in. 
Around the corner from our Cape Cod house
Our front view in Florida
Our backyard in Florida
                                  Since 2000 we've been displaced Westchester residents.  We now have two houses under water (worth less than we paid) in Central Florida.  After the 2008 economic we couldn't sell either.  All they are buying are foreclosures.  We'll try again this year.  
                                  So that's the Retirement saga.  We are getting too old for this constant change and decision making.  Never Look Back and No Regrets should be our mottos.  But when the Full Moon hits I get real estate crazy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


       I did not see the two seals sighted by those on shore while I was kayaking on Bournes Pond in East Falmouth today.  It was quite windy.  I went the other way and never knew there were seals in the pond until I got out of my kayak.  Then my husband informed that he and another man had seen two seals swimming across the pond while i was kayaking at the other end.  If they were correct then the seals had swam 2.5 miles into the inlet aka pond from Vineyard Sound.    Perhaps they entered the pond from Vineyard Sound to escape the wind or some marauding GREAT WHITE SHARK.  There have been many seals in other parts of Cape Cod but not Falmouth.  Finallly we had some.  I saw many ducks and one Great Blue Heron but I never saw the seals.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


              My new Roa Ragusa survived the winter and is bllooming on my side fence.    It was just planted last year.  But the mild winter helped it survive.    Rosa Ragusas re the fragrant pink and white roses you see and smell along the beaches on Cape Cod.  THis one is whiote.  I hope the other which hasn't bloome dyhet is