Fortunately my husband the Yankee fan does not read my blog because it's too negative. He watches CSI Miami,Las Vegas, and NY, The Sopranos,24 and every disaster that has or will occur on the History Channel. Yesterday he told me he won't transport any belongings from our other house in his van that I paid for +the insurance. Finally he read my negative blog, so I can't complain any more. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly can complain but not me. Male PMS is ok but not female. Mine is more PBS(Post-menopause BS). So the dirty laundry will no longer be hanging at Yanke Go home after today. Speaking of going home I'm out of this state right after Easter. By the way I told him I'd hire someone to Move our things from one house to the other. That's what I did last year. I'll do it again. I saw a heart doctor yesterday. He found nothing-no heart. I again received no prescriptions. But I feel good today. So this is my last health report. I'm going golfing.
As for baseball, we like the MLB cable station except they repeat their shows too much. They need my husband Bill Boylan to be a coomentator. Bill could bloviate about baseball for hours. The MLB Channel needs him. We've had enough of ESPN and their steroids witch hunt. They are headquartered in the RED SOX side of Connecticut. Of course it was the Yankees slugger that the Sports Illustrated female writer who is always on ESPN outed for steroids. Of course not another name has been mentionned. Got Yankee haters? Connecticut does/aka ESPN!
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