Friday, February 19, 2010


SARF is Tiger Woods new foundation. He's saying nothing about Haiti and the earthquake.
It's about SEX. He's addicted. It's not about drugs-Ambien. So please contribute to the latest world crisis-SARF. Maybe it will help curtail the population explosion. Got abstinence?

For a sport whose main advertisers are CIALIS
for erectile disfunction and Avatar for incontinence- a going problem, golf is not your typical sex addicts sport. But who knows what goes on behind thosee Country Club Walls. But since Tiger's problems surfaced I guess See Alice is not written on the Country Club bathroom stall walls.
I guess it's an epidemic. A press conference has been called at 11:00 am . So forget the 100,000 + who died in Haiti, there's a bigger problem America- addiction!!! Not heroin,crack,oxocontin,crystal meth-It's sex!!!!
So send dollars to the SA Relief Fund now to curtail this serious proboem plaguing the Country Clubs of America.
All the players at my country club's annual Open have withdrawn and entered rehab for their sex addiction. I guess all clubs will close when this epidemic is finely acknowledged.
Got spikes? I mean rubbers. It's wet out.


  1. The quality of mercy is not strained
    It droppeth like the falling rain
    Upon the ground beneath

    It is twice blessed
    It blesseth those who give and those who take

    And other HS English Shakespearan quotes
    Thank heavens he socked it to Britt Hume and stuck up for Bhuddism
    We have enough anti Muslem talk in the US.
    We don't need Bhuddism baiters and haters too.

  2. I knew his wife was smashing in the Escalade windows to let air in. Tiger was in an Ambien haze and daze. Isn't everyone in America?

    The engine was running. She saved his life.

    Anyway as Shakespeare said: IT'S MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING
