Friday, February 26, 2010


                                      I only wish that I could see
                                      a controlled burn lovely
                                       as a tree.

                                       A Saw Tooth Palmetto proud to raise
                                        its greenery above the highways'

                                        Deforestation should be lamented
                                        by the US government so demented                  
                                        I vented.

                                        Destruction of the Rain Forest is decried
                                        In Florida. government supplied-
                                        REASON DEFIED!

                                         If only there were an Arbor Day
                                          In Florida  where trees may pray
                                          To live another day.

                                          To grow green and wild and free
                                          For all the Floridians to see
                                          Let them be!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you don't like the haze
    On beautiful sunny blue sky days
    Of controlled blaze.

    To see the charred remains
    Of trees now stains
    on country lanes.

    If burning down the Brazilian Rain Forest
    Is causing global ozone problems
    Why is Florida burning?

    Supposedly to stop bigger fires
    And to give scrub habitat
    to Florida Scrub Jays

    Mainly it's pyromania from the same government who allowed Florida to be deforested and overbuilt.

    Stop burning!!
