Monday, February 22, 2010


The Sports Reporters on Sunday's ESPN morning program professed disinterest in the Winter Olympics mainly because NBC was not showing it live. They spent fifteen minutes on Tiger Woods live sex,lies and videotape confession. They all agreed he should be pursued by the paparazzi and had no right to expect him and his family not to be followed around town.  He brought it upon himself  they all agreed.  So finally ESPN is off Steroids and onto sex.  So just like they hounded Barry Bonds and Mark(I'm white you can't touch me} McGwire, ESPN condones TIGER WATCHING.

The Olympics from Vancouver are great.  It's a change.  Each night there is something new and exciting.  Mike Lupica had disdain for his wife for enjoying them and not worrying that it was a replay.   It's fun.  So Sports Reporters start enjoying and stop dissecting every sports figures movement in and out of the game.  Unless you are presenting Sports Inside Edition etc. 

It's not how many papers you sell or tv viewers or computer hits,it's how you write the game.

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