Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Create A Little Controversy

What else is new? There's always a rebel rouser. Or is it a rabble rouser? That's what America is all about.Rebellion! We celebrate it every Fourth of July since 1776. Listen my children and you shall hear of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere on the 18th of April in '75. Now barely a person is now alive who remembers that day and year. That's Longfellow talking about 1775 for you youths of today who might think it's 1975.
America began with the Pilgrims in 1620 who were seeking religious freedom from the state controlled religions in Europe. By 1775 they were organizing a rebellion. Tea Parties were protesting Taxation Without Representation by throwing tea shipments into Boston Harbor to create a little controversy. Eventually that tea party became the Shot Heard 'Round The World. Revolutions happened in every country. America founded by Christian Separatists became a gun toting people's militia. By the 1860's Civil War between North and South broke out. The Union won after hundreds of thousands were killed. This rebellion didn't work like the one in 1776 did. But hang onto your Confederate dollars,the South will rise again.
So the moral: Be Careful What You Wish For!

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