I don't listen to the Orlando soft rock station because in the heart of Mickey Mouse Country, Bubba The Love Sponge is spouting soft porn during the morning show. Once I turned it on to hear music instead Bubba was interviewing an internet 21 year old porn star. He wanted her to have sex on the air or something close to a man who worked for the show who was going blind after a motorcycle accident. I turned it off. Hoping music was now on, I turned it back on only to find out that Bubba was shocked that the porn starlet had walked off the show in disgust. I called in and castigated Bubba for using a phoney blind man as a ruse. Being blind is not even slightly funny. I reiterated that he'd been thrown off the Tampa station for slaughtering a pig on the air. Mickey Mouse Country kept Bubba on. They called me a tree hugger for caring about the blind or a 21 year old woman. All the other female callers disgreed with me. I've never listened again. I stick with John Tesh who is vacuous, innocuous and supercilious to the nth degree.
LESSON TO BE LEARNED: Cruelty to animals is taboo. But you can verbally assault the disabled and women any time on the air in Disney dominated Florida.
Welcome to Orlando children. Enjoy Bubba The Love Sponge on your drive to see It's a Small World After All. We have Mickey,Goofy and Bubba for your enjoyment kids here in Orlando and Cocoa Beach too.
Donald and Bubba The Love Sponge
Welcome to Orlando children!!!!