Thursday, February 12, 2009

Got Wonder?

I was happy to see Chelsea Lately criticizing the chutzpah of the Jonas Brothers grooving with Stevie Wonder on the Grammys. Then at the end when Stevie was singing his peace,love and brotherhood song, he was prempted by airline advertisements and credits. But Stevie is a wonder and keeps on truckin' as the soulful Jonas Bros would say.

Re Yankees: Hawaii's Senator Inoue says World Chaos will ensue if the super power US economy fails. He says vote for government $ to bolster the US economy. I called my astronaut Senator Nelson who didn't vote for the one in the Fall and was on the fence about the current SAVE THE WORLD Obama plan to say two words: GREAT DEPRESSION!

So who really cares about baseball and steroids? Why did Congress spend days on it when the US economy was going down the tubes. They don't mind regulating baseball but not Wall Street. Got Brains? Got Balls? Baseballs that is. I say Stevie Wonder for President. He's the only one who can keep this world at PEACE. He and that blind cleric in New Jersey!!! Got Osama? We've got Obama!


  1. How about cleaning up Govt waste of money? Stupid studies, trips abroad, etc. Also, I don't really care if a ball player takes meds so his muscles respond faster to training, so what? How about testing the sex perverts in Washington for drugs, alchoholism, felonies and other mis-adventures?

    End the PACs as Obama seems to be attempting, put term limits on our congress, eliminate 1 senator from each state and eliminate all but 1 govt pension, (The Clintons get 4 or 5)..

    Have all the people from GITMO move to your neighborhood!

  2. YANKEE GO HOME ONE SENATOR? How about 9 player teams- no replacements, no bebch, no budget=big profits
