I came home after my neurology , MRI,EEG,Holt Monitor, blood tests to find that my charming husband who bought me nothing for Valentine's Day had hung Yankee tee shirts and a laarge Yankee banner off our balcony looking over the country club's 6th hole. The tee shirts said Mattingly and Jeter. The banner commemorated all the Yankee World Series, Hubby was welcoming in the baseball season. He had already hung 25 hats on thumbtacks in the garage last week. It's the worst real estate market in history. I'm trying to sell this country club townhouse just to break even. I hit he roof, removed the tee shirts on hangers and there is a God up there because when I returned from the divorce lawyer later, the Yankee Banner had blown down. I told that Yankee to Go Home in his van a.s.a.p.. He didn't yet. He's playing golf.
So first it was A-ROD not to mention the upsetting new Yankee Stadium next to the perfectly good,beautiful old Yankee Stadium,and now Yankee tee shirts on my country club townhouse balcony to ruin Spring Training and probably the whole season.
Got balls?
Alex Rodriguez was young and foolish taking over the counter medicine from the Dominican Republic + he threw his cousin under the bus. The prisons are full of people who were young and foolish.
ReplyDeleteThey grow old in prison. Youth is no excuse. The same goes for Michael Phelps. My heavens it is popular now to try juveniles as adults. Get your PR (public relations not Puerto Rican) to come up with a new spin Alex and Michael. Still honesty is the best policy as President Clinton,Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds found out the hard way. Which brings us to : Why is Congress involved in personal|legal matters?
To Congress I say : Avoid 10% unemployment and bank failures by authorizing real estate reappraisal of recent purchases to reduce the principal on home loans before the whole economy collapses. Obama's recent plan is insufficient to address(no pun intended) a massive home loan crisis.