Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drug Free For Life?Different Strokes For Differen t Folks.

So I had my head examined. The MRI shows that I had ministrokes all over my brain. Still I am drug free-no prescriptions just an aspirin a day and don't drive for six months. My carotid artery test had not come back yet. But I'm to see the heart doctor on March 10th. I have 220 cholesterol. But no prescriptions. I have low B12 but no prescriptions.

So Major League baseball may not be drug free but I am even after ministrokes. So it's different strokes for different folks. That's for sure. So I remain the only baby boomer living not taking a prescription or ten.

Also I made the Business page of Florida Today today about my 4931 Squires Drive house with pool for sale on the 7th fairway of the Sherwood Golf Course. It's reduced $100,000 from last year and still not selling at $179,000. So I've had my 15 minutes of fame.

My husband, the Yankee fan cries over a replay on MLB of the 1960's World Series, gets all involved in selling a Flip Stick-his 19th unsuccessful business venture,and ignores my ministrokes and business page real estate news during the worst financial crisis in US history.

So it's different strokes for different folks. Which of course brings us back to baseball. Got ******-asteriks?

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