Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Apologies To The Pope

Sorry I had no idea the candles, dark church, baptisms and confirmations were part of the Easter Vigil. Still a shorter service would be much better.

Let's hope Opening Day for the Yankees in NYC is better than the massacre on opening day in Tampa. (St. Petersburg).

I correctly predicted an angel winning the Masters on Easter Sunday. So the Pope will absolve me of my Vigil error. It was a jelly bean free Easter unfortunately. THe brunch was great but not a jelly bean to be seen

Mel Gibson is divorcing after 28 years. Irreconcilable diffeences and no prenup. Bill and I have the same problem-24 years They lived on Merritt Island in Florida near Satellite Beach. That's where the 7 children went to Episcopalian prep school.

What would Mel do is our motto. It's cheaper to keep her.

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