So Glenn Beck and Larry The Cable Guy are organizing a protest of the Obama economic policies on Friday throughout the United States. Why didn't they do this during the election? It's all organized actually by the muckraker Rupert Murdoch. He owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and Direct TV plus that power of positive thinking New York Post. So it's some kind of Red Neck Revolution. You know you're a redneck when your IQ and education are equivalent to Larry The Cable Guy(aka Rupert Murdoch).
This is a democracy. We vote. It was the longest campaign in history vs the oldest candidate in history. Obama won. Kennedy had a thousand days before they (the Mafia) assasinated him and later his brother plus Martin Luther King. These homegrown terorists backed by Murdoch and his off shore buddies have not even given Obama a month!!!!!
The race, labor and immigrant cards are the only ones Obama has. Since the Cable Guy(Murdoch) has racheted up the rhetoric , Obama better show those cards. Unfortunately
escalation is needed, when foreigners (Murdoch) are assaulting our country. The quiet revolution is over. Until the cities burn and apartheid ensues,the battle between big money and the untouchables will rage.
We've seen the enemy and it's us. Which brings us to baseball. Good luck going to Yankee Stadium when the bonfires of the vanities erupt. Fox hates the Yankees. Rupert doesn't own the broadcast rights. Got Steinbrenners?
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