We threw the British out of the USA in 1776. Why in 2009 are we letting them rule the waves again? The air waves I mean. It's a tiny country 9probably smaller than Texas and many other states. Since the advent of Rupert Murdoch(the official second coming to most conservatives and other muckrakers) nasty British people are dominating the US television market. Not that the Hollywood version is much better. But at lelalstl it's American .
The latest was Simon Cowell berating a blind excellent singer and piano player(musician) about his performance. He even used a hand gesture when speaking to a blind person(then he said what he meant). Simon Callous was just showing why the British Empire fell. The red haired host of a quiz show who was cruel to the contestants is another example. Then Chef Ramsey from Britain whose commercials are so cruel to desperate souls who will take any abuse to get ahead in the restaurant world. The commerciall is so vicious in its treatment of others that I would never watch the show. Of course the USA has Tyra Banks picking apart beautiful people because they one extra eyebrow hair and iots are happenening in NYC among vicious contestants on the show. But at least she's American. We do not need nasty Simple Simons imported from Britain. We already have enough cruel people in the USA.
It was St. Patrick's Day in the USA. I missed the first song-hopefully it was Irish- but I doubt those simple Simons would ever think of anything with heart like that. So I say what the IRA always said: England get out of gthe USA and take your Australian muckraker undoubtedly great grand son of a prison colony detainee from the 19th century away too.
I've been to Britain many times and have never met the sanctimmonious self righteous cruel twits that are imported to the USA. It's a fabulous country and society. These bombastic boobs are not represenative f the British culture. They repesent it's lowest form just like Tyra Banks,the Kardascians.the Hugh Hefners, the Sopranos, CSI Miami. Las Vegas etc. represent thje lowest form of our society not to mention Snoop Doggy, Flava Flave, Pimp MY Ride etc. represent the lowest US influences.
I love music. I never watch Idol in the early shows when they make fun of the retarded(brain damaged) and mentally ill. It is not funny. It is cruel. It is as low as operating a freak show at the circu s to make money. How low can you go? So last night they had mercy on a beautiful blonde who wasout of tune and croaking out a song because she had the flu( and is highly marketable in a non-existent music scene) but not on a blind person who was great!!!.
It is not open season on people with disabilities. That's what the entertainment industry as evidenced by recent movies,NBC comedy shows etc. seem to think. They are lifting the taboos on disabilities, women, race, gays etc. as sources of derision that 40 years of civil rights have tried to prevent. America's teenagers think Rihanna deserved to be beaten up. So homegrown cruelty and prejudice is bad enough but do we have to import it.
The British Empire fell because they were cruel to the countries they controlled. The USA was one of the first to revolt. Ireland was one of the last. Part of it is still not free of the British. You've got to be taught to hate. Every American (except me with a Masters Degree in French) has lelarned to hate the French because they are rude. But the cruel Brtish who subjugated other peoples for centuries are perfectly acceptable. They can come on US television and castigate Americans of every gender,race, nationality, color, creed and disability and they are our allies, friends, beloved leaders. Watch Gunga Din again, Slum Dog Millionaire to learn about the cruelty of some British. Believe me not everyone in Britain is like Simon and Chef Ramsey or in the USA like snotty Tyra Bamks or Snoop Doggy's Fatherhood or the Sopranos but they've risen to the top. The audition riots for the Tyra Banks show in NYC show others are scrambling to take their place at he top.
So Rupert owns the Wall Street Journal and Direct TV. It all must be regulated by the FCC. It is allowing the most prurient interests in America and the World to permeate our society. The US was founded by Pilgrims who believed so much in Christianity (kindness) to set sail to a new world to practice their religion freely. No one can be that good and survive but the USA has deteriorated to the lowest form -torturing prisoners, attacking other counntries etc. CNBC,MSNBC,the networks are no better. CNN is taking a crash course in how to sell the news from Fox. Jon Stewart took on some. Which brings us to Obama bashers. Enough already. He's been in office two months trying to undo what Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal buddies created with deregulation. Even Greenspan says he didn't know what was going on. He's an economist. We're not. Erin Go Bragh. Ireland Forever! It was country music night. Irish music is the original source. Consider the source!
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