Monday, March 29, 2010

Removing The Battery

I couldn't call for tech support from India. When my computer froze last time, I had to call India for help. The poor man had worked all night helping people with technical problems. It was dawn. Soon he'd be able to go home. I was extremely dense. I promised him I would never call again. So this time I didn't. It was hard to get the battery out mainly because it isn't labeled and you have to push the switch and bang on the computer so that it will fall out. My husband couldn't figure it out. He wasn't as patient or helpful as the man from India. He was very angry that I would ask for help. So I did it myself.
Still I do thank again the technical support from India. It wouldn't hurt for HP to label the battery case and explain how to restart your laptop when it goes down. Maybe the technical support in India wouldn't have to deal with such inane simple questions.
So again thanks to the techies in India for their support.

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