Thursday, March 11, 2010

Consider The Source

    Massa's in the cold,cold ground. Jesse Ventura the former Governor of Minnesota did not understand Rush Limbaugh's play on words about Congressman Massa and Barack Obama's Massa. He had no idea if it was prejudice or a racist remark. He did not know what Massa was.
     Yet Jesse Ventura is on every cable talk show telling about conspiracy theories. Patrick Kennedy the nephew of two politicians who Ventura assumes were  killed by conspirators not crazed lone gun men ranted in Congress about the media devoting its time to Congressman Massa who is not in the cold, cold ground but disgraced and forced to resign from Congress.   Patrick Kennedy screamed that the media should be covering Congress's debate on the Afghanistan War instead.   He and Rush Limbaugh have one thing in common mainly addiction to prescription drugs.  Whether Jesse the former wrestler and now history expert(except for massas and slavery) is developing his conspiracy theories while on prescription drugs or brain damage from years of steroid use is uncertain.
But the media loves to show this fierce independent and his great knowledge of history. I say: Consider the source when the voices of history speak.

1 comment:

  1. Jesse Ventura and Governor Blogdonvich were on Fox Cable spreading their drivel this weekend.
