We see so few games up here in Red Sox nation that I'm getting Yanked over. How could a team that will undoubtedly win the World Series have so little news?
So other comments on other subjects:
The Jay Leno show is excellent. But when did it become open season on Obama? Have some respect as Aretha would say.
Just because you have a black bandleader, black guest and singers doesn't mean that you can trash our first black president.
It's so some of my best friends are Negroes!!
I didn't like it when Jay Leno did it to George Bush every night for 8 years. Bill Clinton's sex scandal was understandable.
We had practically a Great Depression. Get real. President Obama is trying. If he's not trying he's dying. Which many racist pigs would like to do to him.
Which brings us to racism. It is not okay. I hear it in many circles. It's evil. The evil think it's okay.
President Obama and the intellectuals are being noble about it. There is nothing noble about racist pigs. Spend some time with the common folk, if you want to know the racist sentiment out there.
Enough with Jay Leno tearing down our government. Who died and made him God?
The show is good. We need prime time laughs but not at the expense of racist,sexist, anti-American,discriminatory against the disabled jokes.
Pick on somebody your own size Jay Leno.
Big tall fat graying Italian/Scottish Americans!!!
NBC has declared open season on minorities,women and the disabled. CNBC has declared open season on any Wall Street reform!! They are Obama bashers. I guess GE (Japanese) wants more profit taking not regulation.
CNN is moving right too. Got Lou Dobbs?
The jay Leno show stinks the big one and is draggging the whole network down. It will be cancelled by Christmas. M.