Saturday, April 21, 2012


       That was an observer's opinion when the piggybacked Discovery Space Shuttle flew over Merritt Island and the beach communities but not Titusville,Florida where many of the 7,000 layed off shuttle workers live.  He had waited on the shore of the Indian River in Titusville hoping it would fly over the former Space Capital of the World.  No such luck.  We could see it in the distance taking off at the Kennedy Space Center and flying back over later.  But DISCOVERY wouldn't come the extra 5 miles across the river to fly over Titusville.  Maybe our one Skyscraper Foreclosed Condo complex Harbor Pointe was in the way.  It is a scar,wart,pimple on Titusville's landscape looking like one of NYC's Projects for the poor. It's a failed project for the rich towering over a natural landscaped wildlife refuge and National Seashore.
    The band played on as the shuttle arrived at the Smithsonian in Washington.  A funeral band should play in Titusville for the unemployed workers after the shuttle was outsurced to Russia and Constellation was cancelled.  We are the Miracle City.  We waited on the shore hoping for some miracle that NASA would honor Titusville with a flyover but we are dead and forgotten in their eyes.  Still we expected a miracle and a flyover.  But the funeral band played on.
       We waved at the shuttle in the distance as the sun rose over the Indian River.  "NASA  pissed on Titusville," said the observer disgruntled as he headed back to his car.  He had stayed until the last moment hoping they'd make a flyover of the town that space built but in the end we said:  "Say it ain't so."  It was.   Even Detroit was bailed out but not Titusville. 

          Every corporation benefiting from a satellite such as AT&T,Google,Facebook etc.  should contribute to the resurgence of Titusville and the Kennedy Space Center.   Why aren't we helped?  We have no unions that the Democrats need for votes or oil that the Republicans value.

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