Monday, April 12, 2010

Spaced Out

The Solitary Reaper aka OBama arrives at KSC on Income Tax Day to give the Kennnedy Space Center workers the axe because the US does not have enough money. Instead of fighting a useless war in Afghanistan not to mention Iraq, use our tax money to explore space. If privatization didn't work for health care how will it work for a US Space Program? If every US airline is practically out of business and now feeding us peanuts if we're lucky, how can private industry afford space flight? If railroads in Florida have to be subsidized and basically built with stimulus money, how can Space Flight be commercial?
Why are the Russians requesting a Space Summit? Does the name Sputnik ring a bell? Chernobyl? Rasputin?
Why not privatize the Senate and All of Congress? I'm sure private business could do a better job. Privatize the White House! The Supreme Court! Vouchers and Charter Schools do a better job.
Privatize it all. No more government. no more taxes.
Does the word Tea Party ring a bell?
Wall Street was free and on its own. Look how well it did free and clear of government interference. Monopolies don't hurt! It's free enterprise. Let the buyer beware! the investor! the space traveler! Ah privatize. We can trust them to do a good job just like the pharmaceutical, medical and insurance companies did for us.

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