Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The landing of the Space Shuttle Discovery was visible from the Manzo Park dock on the Indian River in Titusville at 9:08 am. The Shuttle came up from the south on Merritt Island past the Vehicle Assembly Building and then landed. Even in the fog over the Kennedy Space Center, you could make out the Shuttle as it glided over the island. It looked like an airplane but the sonic boom ten minutes before signaled the force of its flight through the atmosphere.

The boom sounded like two loud shots(or explosions) on the river. It was all very exciting and the first actual shuttle landing that I've seen. I have also seen the shuttle piggybacked on a 747 flying over Port Canaveral quite close overhead putting on a show for the Space Coast. That's even more exciting.

We don't have discos in Titusville or many fancy restaurants or yuppiedom but we have a blast thanks to the Kennedy Space Center workers. Two more shuttles are set to fly from KSC. Shuttle Atlantis which roll out to Pad 39A tomorrow and blast off in May is carrying a Russian escape vehicle called Rasputin(NOT!).

After the shuttle days are over,Titusville will resume it's rollin' on the river days again when you could win the right to name a town after yourself in a Domino game. Perhaps Spaced Out or Outsourced will be the new choice.
Still we'll have all the natural wonders except the ocean and Gulf of Mexico which the government (and MIT professors plan to pollute with oil drilling for a speck of oil).

Fishermen can't fish in the ocean ro rivers half the time but we can drill baby drill. Also 135 wind turbines in the ocean do no harm!!!
So the shuttle landed. Soon Florida will be out of technology except for the MUSK OX rockets and back in the swamp.


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