Monday, March 1, 2010


                   I'm having a Billy Collins moment
                   Waiting for the plumber to come.

                   Or maybe it's a EUGENE O'NEIL moment
                    THE PLUMBER COMETH

                    Perhaps it's a Samuel Beckett moment
                    WAITING FOR GODOT

                    Whichever moment waiting slowed me down.
                     I saw a rose,some weeds, and a parched plant.

                     I turned on my patio fountain
                     To hear the water trickle over the rocks.

                      That's why THE PLUMBER COMETH
                      Somewhere in my house water is pouring freely.

                       My water bill is high as in astronomical
                        Water is expensive in Florida.

                        The Global Warming crowd never
                         address the coming Florida water shortage.

                         Florida is overpopulated for the amount
                         Of natural water available .

                          So this ZEN moment has become
                          A global warming rant.

                           Thank God not every one is a
                            Budding poet like Longfellow

                           THE PLUMBER COMETH AND
                            Hopefully fixeth the leak

                           Oh PLUMBER Boy the pipes
                            Are leaking.
                            God Bless TECHNICAL SCHOOLS
                            Oh PLUMBER Boy we need you so.

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