Friday, February 12, 2010

My Blog Disappeared Again

So here's the short version. CBS should not have shown a Dorito commercial where a little boy hit a man for grabbing his Doritos. The little boy slaps the man and says: Don't grab my Doritos and Don't grab my Momma.

Warren Sapp, a CBS commentator was arrested for hurting his girlfriend the night before the Super Bowl.  CBS would not allow him to work as a commentator during the Super Bowl.  Football is violent enough.  We don't need little boys slapping men or Stevie Won der slapping someone during the commercials.  Is the audience so psychopathic that they need violence during the commercials.  The worst was that the slapping in each commercial was a joke.

Bring back John Madden who yelled clearly what football is:  Big men slamming into others.  The hypocrisy of Tim Tebow with his Bible verses under each eye is an insult to all Christians.  Unless the quote is:  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Pushing the envelope in humor where race,religion,gender,nationality,disability and common decency are mocked is not appropriate for a national show where Queen Latifah opens The Saints  vs The Gladiators Spectacle with America The Beautiful with the final line: And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood From Sea to Shining Sea.  Of course only a Sapp would take that sentiment seriously.  Which reminds me who CBS" audience usually is:  aficionados of CSI Miami,Las Vegas and NYC.  Those programs make the violence of a football game look like a picnic.

So next time we see Warren Sapp, I hope he has the Bible verse written under each eye:  If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

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