Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Nancy Pelosi Won't Stop Talking
I turned on my computer
And Nancy started talking
On YouTube
Nancy won't stop
She wants universal
So do I Nancy
But why are you
Popping Up ?
At least it's not
Taylor Swift
Or the Jonas Brothers
I'll try to
Mute Nancy,s
Pleasant voice
Support Healthcare
For All in the USA
How long will it take?
It's a right
Not a privilege
Goodnight You Tube
With that and
A hi ho Silver
Nancy suddenly stopped
It's quiet now
You can think
Goodnight Youtube
Goodnight Moon!
And Nancy started talking
On YouTube
Nancy won't stop
She wants universal
So do I Nancy
But why are you
Popping Up ?
At least it's not
Taylor Swift
Or the Jonas Brothers
I'll try to
Mute Nancy,s
Pleasant voice
Support Healthcare
For All in the USA
How long will it take?
It's a right
Not a privilege
Goodnight You Tube
With that and
A hi ho Silver
Nancy suddenly stopped
It's quiet now
You can think
Goodnight Youtube
Goodnight Moon!
Friday, February 26, 2010
I only wish that I could see
a controlled burn lovely
as a tree.
A Saw Tooth Palmetto proud to raise
its greenery above the highways'
Deforestation should be lamented
by the US government so demented
I vented.
Destruction of the Rain Forest is decried
In Florida. government supplied-
If only there were an Arbor Day
In Florida where trees may pray
To live another day.
To grow green and wild and free
For all the Floridians to see
Let them be!
a controlled burn lovely
as a tree.
A Saw Tooth Palmetto proud to raise
its greenery above the highways'
Deforestation should be lamented
by the US government so demented
I vented.
Destruction of the Rain Forest is decried
In Florida. government supplied-
If only there were an Arbor Day
In Florida where trees may pray
To live another day.
To grow green and wild and free
For all the Floridians to see
Let them be!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Poem One Fortune Cookie
There are a lot of bumps on the road to easy street.
How did Confuscious know?
It's not whether you make it to Easy Street. It's how you handle the bumps?
Bump One- Billy Collins makes poetry look easy.
You observe. You write. But it didn't happen. Let's hope bump #2 is better.
There are a lot of bumps on the road to easy street.
How did Confuscious know?
It's not whether you make it to Easy Street. It's how you handle the bumps?
Bump One- Billy Collins makes poetry look easy.
You observe. You write. But it didn't happen. Let's hope bump #2 is better.
Blogged Out
I'm switching to poetry. I just read Billy Collins' poetry book at Barnes and Noble in Prlando. Titusville practically does not have a book store. There is a used book store downtown. It's small and not really for lingering like Barnes and Noble. Too bad they don't combine with the Sunrise Bakery nearby. C'est la vie.
Poetry is more like Twitter-short and to the point. What is the point?
Poetry is more like Twitter-short and to the point. What is the point?
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Sports Reporters on Sunday's ESPN morning program professed disinterest in the Winter Olympics mainly because NBC was not showing it live. They spent fifteen minutes on Tiger Woods live sex,lies and videotape confession. They all agreed he should be pursued by the paparazzi and had no right to expect him and his family not to be followed around town. He brought it upon himself they all agreed. So finally ESPN is off Steroids and onto sex. So just like they hounded Barry Bonds and Mark(I'm white you can't touch me} McGwire, ESPN condones TIGER WATCHING.
The Olympics from Vancouver are great. It's a change. Each night there is something new and exciting. Mike Lupica had disdain for his wife for enjoying them and not worrying that it was a replay. It's fun. So Sports Reporters start enjoying and stop dissecting every sports figures movement in and out of the game. Unless you are presenting Sports Inside Edition etc.
It's not how many papers you sell or tv viewers or computer hits,it's how you write the game.
The Olympics from Vancouver are great. It's a change. Each night there is something new and exciting. Mike Lupica had disdain for his wife for enjoying them and not worrying that it was a replay. It's fun. So Sports Reporters start enjoying and stop dissecting every sports figures movement in and out of the game. Unless you are presenting Sports Inside Edition etc.
It's not how many papers you sell or tv viewers or computer hits,it's how you write the game.
Friday, February 19, 2010
SARF is Tiger Woods new foundation. He's saying nothing about Haiti and the earthquake.
It's about SEX. He's addicted. It's not about drugs-Ambien. So please contribute to the latest world crisis-SARF. Maybe it will help curtail the population explosion. Got abstinence?
For a sport whose main advertisers are CIALIS
for erectile disfunction and Avatar for incontinence- a going problem, golf is not your typical sex addicts sport. But who knows what goes on behind thosee Country Club Walls. But since Tiger's problems surfaced I guess See Alice is not written on the Country Club bathroom stall walls.
I guess it's an epidemic. A press conference has been called at 11:00 am . So forget the 100,000 + who died in Haiti, there's a bigger problem America- addiction!!! Not heroin,crack,oxocontin,crystal meth-It's sex!!!!
So send dollars to the SA Relief Fund now to curtail this serious proboem plaguing the Country Clubs of America.
All the players at my country club's annual Open have withdrawn and entered rehab for their sex addiction. I guess all clubs will close when this epidemic is finely acknowledged.
Got spikes? I mean rubbers. It's wet out.
It's about SEX. He's addicted. It's not about drugs-Ambien. So please contribute to the latest world crisis-SARF. Maybe it will help curtail the population explosion. Got abstinence?
For a sport whose main advertisers are CIALIS
for erectile disfunction and Avatar for incontinence- a going problem, golf is not your typical sex addicts sport. But who knows what goes on behind thosee Country Club Walls. But since Tiger's problems surfaced I guess See Alice is not written on the Country Club bathroom stall walls.
I guess it's an epidemic. A press conference has been called at 11:00 am . So forget the 100,000 + who died in Haiti, there's a bigger problem America- addiction!!! Not heroin,crack,oxocontin,crystal meth-It's sex!!!!
So send dollars to the SA Relief Fund now to curtail this serious proboem plaguing the Country Clubs of America.
All the players at my country club's annual Open have withdrawn and entered rehab for their sex addiction. I guess all clubs will close when this epidemic is finely acknowledged.
Got spikes? I mean rubbers. It's wet out.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fainting on the Highway
I couldn't drive five miles out of town on Wednesday without feeling like I might crash my car. In Vermont, they call it anxiety. Here they say it's hypoglycemia but maybe not says the endocrinologist. I say it's post Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday-I ate a quart of Moose Tracks low fat ice cream.) Diabetic malaise. The heat was on and I didn't get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep can trigger insulin reactions(even though I'm not diabetic according to blood tests. Blood tests show I have hypoglycemia. But the endocrinologist says women can often have false readings on the test.)
Anyway on the side of the road I ate trail mix and drank water(Splenda sweetened cranberry juice). My husband never answered any of my distress calls to his cell phone. After several stops: The Great Outdoors RV Park and Golf Course, The Cathedral Pines subdivision and CVS, I made it home. The endocrinologist says I should have a blood test when I have this attack. The GP says go to the hospital. I don't do either. My husband who had finally arisen and heard all my distress messages didn't insist. So I didn't. Oh the ear doctor says I should have a situational (Event Monitor) and to tell the heart doctor that's what I need. I haven't.
I ate my second thin turkey and mayo sandwich of the day and went to sleep. Later I felt pretty darn good. At sunset, I took a walk around the block. I'm fine today after lots of small protein meals made by my husband yesterday and a good night's sleep because I turned off the heat.
It's classic diabetes-extreme thirst, hunger and drowsiness. But I never qualify on the blood tests,MRIs,echocardiograms,EKGs, PAD,mammographies(except 1992 when I had to have a 2.5 centimeter breast cancer tumor removed ),etc. My husband and everyone I know have blood pressure,diabetes,thyroid,and cholesterol prescriptions not me. They drive all over America-not me. I sometimes can barely make it to the corner. It's been going on since 2005when I had my first problem driving on RTE 6 in Cape Cod. I drank water,Coca Cola and some food at the 7 Eleven in Yarmouth,recovered and drove to Orleans and back to Falmouth.
My next attack was on 495 the next year near Boston. I stayed overnight at the Holiday Inn in Wellesly and could drive to Burlington, Vermont. Feeling better, I climbed a small VT mountain on a warm day. The next day I was shakey while driving. I went to the Ethan Allen Hospital. The nurse had the same problem-anxiety. She hadn't driven long distance for 8 years. She went to a support group and was driving to her best friend's wedding in Maryland-her first long car trip in years. I told her to fly.
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys gave me all kinds of tests. Nothing showed up. So they told me it ws an Anxiety Attack and to stop on the highway and breathe,relax etc.. Then keep driving. So I did. I made it back to Cape Cod via the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut and was fine for another year until it happened to me right in town in Florida. It used to only happen on the highway. Actually it happened on the way to Viera on RTE 95 from Titusvile. After food,drink and AC at the Viera Mall, I made back to Titusville via US1. So I gave up highway driving and went to a zillion doctors especially after I fainted and fell fully clothed into my pool after doing Yoga breathing.
Anyway all the cardiologists,endocrinologists,neurologists and GPs couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. While writing this, my left leg started to ache and I couldn't remember the word neurologist. I didn;t eat breakfast. So Sayonara. It's time to eat said the Maybe Yes, Maybe No Hypoglycemic. It affects your memory.Oy Vey. Sincerely, Madame Bovary, Emma and any other woman with the vapors!
The moral of this story: Be Aware of Anxious Hypoglycemic Drivers.. Got Guard Rails? Oh I forget the MRI showed brain blood vessels bursts(Kind of TSIs) according to the Neurologist but the Cardiologist said it was not bad. So who knows. The GP who diagnosed hypo seemed the best. The endocrinologist started yelling at me: Get a blood test when it happens. Did I? No.
I biked 9 miles in the cold on Sunday so maybe that triggered it. I do have an Actonel prescription for bones that are supposed to crack at any second with a slight blow-especially my lower vertebrae. It's supposed to cause a domino effect and ruin my vertebrae.
John Tesh just confessed that Mr. Healthy had to have a back operation a few months ago. So who knows?
The Shadow
Anyway on the side of the road I ate trail mix and drank water(Splenda sweetened cranberry juice). My husband never answered any of my distress calls to his cell phone. After several stops: The Great Outdoors RV Park and Golf Course, The Cathedral Pines subdivision and CVS, I made it home. The endocrinologist says I should have a blood test when I have this attack. The GP says go to the hospital. I don't do either. My husband who had finally arisen and heard all my distress messages didn't insist. So I didn't. Oh the ear doctor says I should have a situational (Event Monitor) and to tell the heart doctor that's what I need. I haven't.
I ate my second thin turkey and mayo sandwich of the day and went to sleep. Later I felt pretty darn good. At sunset, I took a walk around the block. I'm fine today after lots of small protein meals made by my husband yesterday and a good night's sleep because I turned off the heat.
It's classic diabetes-extreme thirst, hunger and drowsiness. But I never qualify on the blood tests,MRIs,echocardiograms,EKGs, PAD,mammographies(except 1992 when I had to have a 2.5 centimeter breast cancer tumor removed ),etc. My husband and everyone I know have blood pressure,diabetes,thyroid,and cholesterol prescriptions not me. They drive all over America-not me. I sometimes can barely make it to the corner. It's been going on since 2005when I had my first problem driving on RTE 6 in Cape Cod. I drank water,Coca Cola and some food at the 7 Eleven in Yarmouth,recovered and drove to Orleans and back to Falmouth.
My next attack was on 495 the next year near Boston. I stayed overnight at the Holiday Inn in Wellesly and could drive to Burlington, Vermont. Feeling better, I climbed a small VT mountain on a warm day. The next day I was shakey while driving. I went to the Ethan Allen Hospital. The nurse had the same problem-anxiety. She hadn't driven long distance for 8 years. She went to a support group and was driving to her best friend's wedding in Maryland-her first long car trip in years. I told her to fly.
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys gave me all kinds of tests. Nothing showed up. So they told me it ws an Anxiety Attack and to stop on the highway and breathe,relax etc.. Then keep driving. So I did. I made it back to Cape Cod via the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut and was fine for another year until it happened to me right in town in Florida. It used to only happen on the highway. Actually it happened on the way to Viera on RTE 95 from Titusvile. After food,drink and AC at the Viera Mall, I made back to Titusville via US1. So I gave up highway driving and went to a zillion doctors especially after I fainted and fell fully clothed into my pool after doing Yoga breathing.
Anyway all the cardiologists,endocrinologists,neurologists and GPs couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. While writing this, my left leg started to ache and I couldn't remember the word neurologist. I didn;t eat breakfast. So Sayonara. It's time to eat said the Maybe Yes, Maybe No Hypoglycemic. It affects your memory.Oy Vey. Sincerely, Madame Bovary, Emma and any other woman with the vapors!
The moral of this story: Be Aware of Anxious Hypoglycemic Drivers.. Got Guard Rails? Oh I forget the MRI showed brain blood vessels bursts(Kind of TSIs) according to the Neurologist but the Cardiologist said it was not bad. So who knows. The GP who diagnosed hypo seemed the best. The endocrinologist started yelling at me: Get a blood test when it happens. Did I? No.
I biked 9 miles in the cold on Sunday so maybe that triggered it. I do have an Actonel prescription for bones that are supposed to crack at any second with a slight blow-especially my lower vertebrae. It's supposed to cause a domino effect and ruin my vertebrae.
John Tesh just confessed that Mr. Healthy had to have a back operation a few months ago. So who knows?
The Shadow
Monday, February 15, 2010
Waxing Crescent
That's the name of the little sliver of moon visible today. It is 3% of Full. It's only a paper moon. But I still believe in you.
I bicycled 9 miles around the Black Point Nature Trail in the cool morning air on Valentine's Day with the Florida Trails Hiking/biking group. There were 20 of us biking at the Merritt Island Wildlife Preserve near the Kennedy Space Center. It's the !8th year Florida Trails has done a Sweetheart Bike Ride there.
Afterwards we ate at Dixie Crossroads in Titusville owned by Ms. Thompson, a Florida nature lover. She owns the restaurant,two fish stores and a fishing fleet in Port Canaveral. She is a founding member of the Space Coast Birding Festival in Titusville and the Brevard Nature Alliance.
I bicycled 9 miles around the Black Point Nature Trail in the cool morning air on Valentine's Day with the Florida Trails Hiking/biking group. There were 20 of us biking at the Merritt Island Wildlife Preserve near the Kennedy Space Center. It's the !8th year Florida Trails has done a Sweetheart Bike Ride there.
Afterwards we ate at Dixie Crossroads in Titusville owned by Ms. Thompson, a Florida nature lover. She owns the restaurant,two fish stores and a fishing fleet in Port Canaveral. She is a founding member of the Space Coast Birding Festival in Titusville and the Brevard Nature Alliance.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Going Rogue
Is that what you call Sarah Palin's almost son-in-law posing nude in the centerfold of PlayGirl? I guess he's earning money for law school like Scott Brown the new Senator from Massachusetts. So in a few years we"ll have Senator Levi too.
Going Rogue is Sarah Palin's motto (also title of her best seller book) at the Tea Parties. Rogue must be makeup, long hair and high heels. Next Kendra or some other PlayBoy centerfold will run for VP or Senator.
Levi,the discredited,disowned, and disrobed almost son-in-law is on his way. First the centerfold, then college and then the Senate. Politics make strange bedfellows-the VP candidate's daughter and the centerfold.
Going Rogue? Why not? Isn't everyone?
Going Rogue is Sarah Palin's motto (also title of her best seller book) at the Tea Parties. Rogue must be makeup, long hair and high heels. Next Kendra or some other PlayBoy centerfold will run for VP or Senator.
Levi,the discredited,disowned, and disrobed almost son-in-law is on his way. First the centerfold, then college and then the Senate. Politics make strange bedfellows-the VP candidate's daughter and the centerfold.
Going Rogue? Why not? Isn't everyone?
Friday, February 12, 2010
My Blog Disappeared Again
So here's the short version. CBS should not have shown a Dorito commercial where a little boy hit a man for grabbing his Doritos. The little boy slaps the man and says: Don't grab my Doritos and Don't grab my Momma.
Warren Sapp, a CBS commentator was arrested for hurting his girlfriend the night before the Super Bowl. CBS would not allow him to work as a commentator during the Super Bowl. Football is violent enough. We don't need little boys slapping men or Stevie Won der slapping someone during the commercials. Is the audience so psychopathic that they need violence during the commercials. The worst was that the slapping in each commercial was a joke.
Bring back John Madden who yelled clearly what football is: Big men slamming into others. The hypocrisy of Tim Tebow with his Bible verses under each eye is an insult to all Christians. Unless the quote is: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Pushing the envelope in humor where race,religion,gender,nationality,disability and common decency are mocked is not appropriate for a national show where Queen Latifah opens The Saints vs The Gladiators Spectacle with America The Beautiful with the final line: And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood From Sea to Shining Sea. Of course only a Sapp would take that sentiment seriously. Which reminds me who CBS" audience usually is: aficionados of CSI Miami,Las Vegas and NYC. Those programs make the violence of a football game look like a picnic.
So next time we see Warren Sapp, I hope he has the Bible verse written under each eye: If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Warren Sapp, a CBS commentator was arrested for hurting his girlfriend the night before the Super Bowl. CBS would not allow him to work as a commentator during the Super Bowl. Football is violent enough. We don't need little boys slapping men or Stevie Won der slapping someone during the commercials. Is the audience so psychopathic that they need violence during the commercials. The worst was that the slapping in each commercial was a joke.
Bring back John Madden who yelled clearly what football is: Big men slamming into others. The hypocrisy of Tim Tebow with his Bible verses under each eye is an insult to all Christians. Unless the quote is: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Pushing the envelope in humor where race,religion,gender,nationality,disability and common decency are mocked is not appropriate for a national show where Queen Latifah opens The Saints vs The Gladiators Spectacle with America The Beautiful with the final line: And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood From Sea to Shining Sea. Of course only a Sapp would take that sentiment seriously. Which reminds me who CBS" audience usually is: aficionados of CSI Miami,Las Vegas and NYC. Those programs make the violence of a football game look like a picnic.
So next time we see Warren Sapp, I hope he has the Bible verse written under each eye: If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
4:14 am Endeavour Launch from KSC
While you were sleeping America, Endeavour launched into the night air across the Indian River from Titusville, Florida. The President visits Tampa and the defeated Republican VP candidate visits Daytona but neither are seen in Titusville in the month of February 2010 for the last night Shuttle launch. No one laments from the National Political Scene, the loss of 6,000 + jobs related to Space Travel at KSC.
Tourists wrapped in blankets lined the river in Titusville to see the 4:14 AM Space Shuttle launch. We cheered when Endeavour blasted off and we heard the delayed boom. Many had been there the day before when the launch was scrubbed. They came again. Where was the President, VP, Ex VP etc.?
No concern is expressed that Florida's elite technical engineering work force is being decimated by lack of Federal funding while the car industry, banking and Wall Street is bailed out.
Before Sputnik, the US had little interest in science. Now post Star Wars, science is being forgotten by the Federal Government.
In Titusville, Florida when we say: Gentlemen(and Danica Patrick) start your engines, we mean Start Blasting the Space Shuttle off.
President Obama has time for the Super Bowl and his super politicking with Katie Couric but not one word for the brave crew of Endeavour. So India and China are ahead of us technically. The Japanese destroyed the US Auto industry with better technology(except for a recent recall). What will it take for the US to appreciate anld reward US technical skills again.
Gentlemen start your engines will only be heard four more times in Titusville, Florida. Then the best and the brightest leave town. Trickle down unemployment will hit Main Street in a week.
In the heart of Redneck country, we call for federal help. The Dixie symbol was changed on the Florida flag just a few years ago. Do not abandon us like some useless third world country!
Tourists wrapped in blankets lined the river in Titusville to see the 4:14 AM Space Shuttle launch. We cheered when Endeavour blasted off and we heard the delayed boom. Many had been there the day before when the launch was scrubbed. They came again. Where was the President, VP, Ex VP etc.?
No concern is expressed that Florida's elite technical engineering work force is being decimated by lack of Federal funding while the car industry, banking and Wall Street is bailed out.
Before Sputnik, the US had little interest in science. Now post Star Wars, science is being forgotten by the Federal Government.
In Titusville, Florida when we say: Gentlemen(and Danica Patrick) start your engines, we mean Start Blasting the Space Shuttle off.
President Obama has time for the Super Bowl and his super politicking with Katie Couric but not one word for the brave crew of Endeavour. So India and China are ahead of us technically. The Japanese destroyed the US Auto industry with better technology(except for a recent recall). What will it take for the US to appreciate anld reward US technical skills again.
Gentlemen start your engines will only be heard four more times in Titusville, Florida. Then the best and the brightest leave town. Trickle down unemployment will hit Main Street in a week.
In the heart of Redneck country, we call for federal help. The Dixie symbol was changed on the Florida flag just a few years ago. Do not abandon us like some useless third world country!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Taylor Swift Album of the Year
Taylor sang out of tune with Stevie Nicks.
Ix nay erribltay aylorTay.
Oy vey!
A Grammy Whammy Mammy
ReatGay HiteWay Opehay!!
Oy vey!!!
Ix nay erribltay aylorTay.
Oy vey!
A Grammy Whammy Mammy
ReatGay HiteWay Opehay!!
Oy vey!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Our Democratic votes didn't even count in the world's longest presidential primary season. Obama did not even campaign here or in Michigan. At least Detroit got $ not the Kennedy Space Center employees and the Space Coast. Build Solar Panels with KSC skilled labor for every Florida home,factory or school. It's the Sunshine State.
Help Employment in the Space Coast. Why is everything in Tampa, Orlando and the Gulf Coast of Florida.
Are they Democrats? Union votes?
What is going on with US Govenrnent help for the Space Coast Economy????
Our Democratic votes didn't even count in the world's longest presidential primary season. Obama did not even campaign here or in Michigan. At least Detroit got $ not the Kennedy Space Center employees and the Space Coast. Build Solar Panels with KSC skilled labor for every Florida home,factory or school. It's the Sunshine State.
Help Employment in the Space Coast. Why is everything in Tampa, Orlando and the Gulf Coast of Florida.
Are they Democrats? Union votes?
What is going on with US Govenrnent help for the Space Coast Economy????