Saturday, January 9, 2010


When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way. A weel after the Jets owner's Johnson Drugs Co.heiress daughter died of diabetes or drugs(prescription) ,his NY Jets are in the Wild Card Play Offs. If Johnson can't control drug abuse by its own family members,what hope is there for the rest of America whose children are hooked on prescription Ambien and Oxycontin? How many Rush Limbaughs, Congressman Patrick Kennedy, or even Jeb Bush's daughter do there have to be before the FDA controls the prescription of these harmful drugs? America's youth are being destroyed by these prescription drugs. Most are highly addictive. People buy pills on the corner. They break into pharmacies to stal them or worse holdup the pharmacist at gun point. Enough is enough.
Stop raiding marijuana farms and concentrate drug enforcement on crystal lmeth labs and prescriptio abuse. Doctors should not prescribe oxycontin except to the terminally ill. That's who it was designed for.
You're a Jet from your first cigarette to your last dying day.
The Jets are all here
Their cylinders are clinking.

Hopefully the Jets will win just like they did last weekend while the owners daughter was dying in LA.

Win or lose-Let's use the Johnson heiress's death at 30 as a wake up call to the US Government. Stop doctors from overprescribing dangerous drugs to everyone. That's what Congress should be deciding instead of endless politicking about health care.

So during the Jets game, remember
the poor little rich girl who could not stop drug abuse.

Where does that leave the rest of us??

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