Jay Leno's Show ends on the 12th of February because the local news NBC affiliates were not getting enough viewers after The Jay Leno Show. Anyone with a sense of humor was watching Chelsea Lately at 11 not the news. The Leno Show was FUNNY AND CHEERFUL. It was not CSI which is bloody and disgusting and depressing. That's the number one show. My husband had to waatch it on Christmas Eve even though we had company. I wouldn't let him. He did watch it on New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!
Jay Leno was,is and always will be funny. The demise of his show shows that America is devoid of humor. The local news throughout America is about people wikth no sense of humor. They kill immigrants from Bangladesh working at the 7 Eleven, they kill their wives right in front of their three year old and seven year old and they kill people and then burn up the house to cover up the CSI evidence.
Jay Leno was a breath of fresh air away from CSI Miami,las Vegas and NY. People who watched Leno have a sense of humor. They don't shoot, they laugh. Leno is FSI =Funny Scene Investigation. Make laughs not war.
Bring Leno back . He was, is and always will be great. He doesn't need NBC, TV or work. It's obvious he is on television to cheer people up!!
KEEP JAY LENO ON!!! Tell those afiliates that therir days are numbered. Cable is it. Put Jay on MSNBC or CNBC-both humorless propaganda machines. Spread Jay's Joy not trouble making slanted news and information.
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