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Thursday, January 28, 2010
The President Was Brilliant
President Obama showed in the State of the Union last night why he was elected. Obama was brilliant. He ehld your attention for the whole speech(not Harry Reid who could not quell a yawn or Nancy Pelosi who seemed to have something stuck in her polident). I just wrote my Congresswoman Kosmas to vote to help people witout Health Insurance and stop worrying about reelection. That's what Obama said. Obama had it all. He was great. He made a few compromises to keep Mrs. Fiscal Responsibility Suzanne Kosmas happy. Somehow she has decided to defy Obama on health care. It doesn't hurt him. It hurts her constituents who have no medical care.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bubba THe Love Sponge
I don't listen to the Orlando soft rock station because in the heart of Mickey Mouse Country, Bubba The Love Sponge is spouting soft porn during the morning show. Once I turned it on to hear music instead Bubba was interviewing an internet 21 year old porn star. He wanted her to have sex on the air or something close to a man who worked for the show who was going blind after a motorcycle accident. I turned it off. Hoping music was now on, I turned it back on only to find out that Bubba was shocked that the porn starlet had walked off the show in disgust. I called in and castigated Bubba for using a phoney blind man as a ruse. Being blind is not even slightly funny. I reiterated that he'd been thrown off the Tampa station for slaughtering a pig on the air. Mickey Mouse Country kept Bubba on. They called me a tree hugger for caring about the blind or a 21 year old woman. All the other female callers disgreed with me. I've never listened again. I stick with John Tesh who is vacuous, innocuous and supercilious to the nth degree.
LESSON TO BE LEARNED: Cruelty to animals is taboo. But you can verbally assault the disabled and women any time on the air in Disney dominated Florida.
Welcome to Orlando children. Enjoy Bubba The Love Sponge on your drive to see It's a Small World After All. We have Mickey,Goofy and Bubba for your enjoyment kids here in Orlando and Cocoa Beach too.
LESSON TO BE LEARNED: Cruelty to animals is taboo. But you can verbally assault the disabled and women any time on the air in Disney dominated Florida.
Welcome to Orlando children. Enjoy Bubba The Love Sponge on your drive to see It's a Small World After All. We have Mickey,Goofy and Bubba for your enjoyment kids here in Orlando and Cocoa Beach too.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jets Lose-It's no Favre!
A Joe Namath you are not Mark Sanchez. But when you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way from your fist cigarette 'til your last dying day.
So there was no West Side Story. It's the Jersey Jets anyway.
Brett Favre certainly took a few for the Giffer and still lost.
As we say in New Orleans: C'est la vie. C'est la guerre. Say you never can tell!
So on to Miami for the not so Super Bowl without the Jets and the former Cheese head!!
Do yourself a Favre Brett, retire and stay retired or at leastl apply a little Grecian Formula.
The Deadhead is dead. We don't like to see the aged pummeled, Got offense???
So there was no West Side Story. It's the Jersey Jets anyway.
Brett Favre certainly took a few for the Giffer and still lost.
As we say in New Orleans: C'est la vie. C'est la guerre. Say you never can tell!
So on to Miami for the not so Super Bowl without the Jets and the former Cheese head!!
Do yourself a Favre Brett, retire and stay retired or at leastl apply a little Grecian Formula.
The Deadhead is dead. We don't like to see the aged pummeled, Got offense???
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Taylor Swiftboated
Kanye West(banished from George Clooney's Haiti Telethon for conduct unbecoming a Hip Hop Star) was right. Taylor Swift is no entertainer of the year. She is simplistic,soulless, boring little scrawny Great White Hope singer. You don't have to be drunk like Kanye was to get your courage up to say that. The rest of the show was superb minus Kid Rock,Neal Young and Brad Pitt who looked pathetic. I used Taylor's performance to call in. The line was busy. The rest was great even Anderson Cooper who I swore I'd never watch after his New Year's Eve debacle with Kathy Griffin two years ago. He lost alll credibility that night.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
John Teshed Out
John Tesh advises us to be careful trying on clothes in high end stores,you may contract Mersa!!
Earth to John Tesh!!!
People are dying in Haiti after the earthquake because medical supplies are not being brought from the Port au Prince Airport across the street to the makeshift, understaffed hospitals. Doctors have to use hack saws. Survivors are carried by their friends to the hospital where the survivors die because there's no staff, antibiotics or water half the time.
Every song is followed by Tesh's vacuous advice. Is he paid to heighten our fear factor so we'll behave??
The music is good. The advice is unnecessary. Tesh tells us the best way to walk around the supermarket!!! He likes to compose he tells us and never allows any interruptions for 45 minute stretches. I do the same thing. Every time Tesh comes on with his common sense advice for the totally neurotic and insecure, I turn off the volume.
150,000 people may be dead in Haiti John. Stop worrying whether endive is good for us or not.
Earth to John Tesh!!!
People are dying in Haiti after the earthquake because medical supplies are not being brought from the Port au Prince Airport across the street to the makeshift, understaffed hospitals. Doctors have to use hack saws. Survivors are carried by their friends to the hospital where the survivors die because there's no staff, antibiotics or water half the time.
Every song is followed by Tesh's vacuous advice. Is he paid to heighten our fear factor so we'll behave??
The music is good. The advice is unnecessary. Tesh tells us the best way to walk around the supermarket!!! He likes to compose he tells us and never allows any interruptions for 45 minute stretches. I do the same thing. Every time Tesh comes on with his common sense advice for the totally neurotic and insecure, I turn off the volume.
150,000 people may be dead in Haiti John. Stop worrying whether endive is good for us or not.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Jets won. Hip Hip HOORAY!
It was excellent-most excellent!!!
Now the next playoffs next weekend.
The Jets won. Hip Hip HOORAY!
It was excellent-most excellent!!!
Now the next playoffs next weekend.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Comedy Ends on Feb.12th
Jay Leno's Show ends on the 12th of February because the local news NBC affiliates were not getting enough viewers after The Jay Leno Show. Anyone with a sense of humor was watching Chelsea Lately at 11 not the news. The Leno Show was FUNNY AND CHEERFUL. It was not CSI which is bloody and disgusting and depressing. That's the number one show. My husband had to waatch it on Christmas Eve even though we had company. I wouldn't let him. He did watch it on New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!
Jay Leno was,is and always will be funny. The demise of his show shows that America is devoid of humor. The local news throughout America is about people wikth no sense of humor. They kill immigrants from Bangladesh working at the 7 Eleven, they kill their wives right in front of their three year old and seven year old and they kill people and then burn up the house to cover up the CSI evidence.
Jay Leno was a breath of fresh air away from CSI Miami,las Vegas and NY. People who watched Leno have a sense of humor. They don't shoot, they laugh. Leno is FSI =Funny Scene Investigation. Make laughs not war.
Bring Leno back . He was, is and always will be great. He doesn't need NBC, TV or work. It's obvious he is on television to cheer people up!!
KEEP JAY LENO ON!!! Tell those afiliates that therir days are numbered. Cable is it. Put Jay on MSNBC or CNBC-both humorless propaganda machines. Spread Jay's Joy not trouble making slanted news and information.
Jay Leno was,is and always will be funny. The demise of his show shows that America is devoid of humor. The local news throughout America is about people wikth no sense of humor. They kill immigrants from Bangladesh working at the 7 Eleven, they kill their wives right in front of their three year old and seven year old and they kill people and then burn up the house to cover up the CSI evidence.
Jay Leno was a breath of fresh air away from CSI Miami,las Vegas and NY. People who watched Leno have a sense of humor. They don't shoot, they laugh. Leno is FSI =Funny Scene Investigation. Make laughs not war.
Bring Leno back . He was, is and always will be great. He doesn't need NBC, TV or work. It's obvious he is on television to cheer people up!!
KEEP JAY LENO ON!!! Tell those afiliates that therir days are numbered. Cable is it. Put Jay on MSNBC or CNBC-both humorless propaganda machines. Spread Jay's Joy not trouble making slanted news and information.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way. A weel after the Jets owner's Johnson Drugs Co.heiress daughter died of diabetes or drugs(prescription) ,his NY Jets are in the Wild Card Play Offs. If Johnson can't control drug abuse by its own family members,what hope is there for the rest of America whose children are hooked on prescription Ambien and Oxycontin? How many Rush Limbaughs, Congressman Patrick Kennedy, or even Jeb Bush's daughter do there have to be before the FDA controls the prescription of these harmful drugs? America's youth are being destroyed by these prescription drugs. Most are highly addictive. People buy pills on the corner. They break into pharmacies to stal them or worse holdup the pharmacist at gun point. Enough is enough.
Stop raiding marijuana farms and concentrate drug enforcement on crystal lmeth labs and prescriptio abuse. Doctors should not prescribe oxycontin except to the terminally ill. That's who it was designed for.
You're a Jet from your first cigarette to your last dying day.
The Jets are all here
Their cylinders are clinking.
Hopefully the Jets will win just like they did last weekend while the owners daughter was dying in LA.
Win or lose-Let's use the Johnson heiress's death at 30 as a wake up call to the US Government. Stop doctors from overprescribing dangerous drugs to everyone. That's what Congress should be deciding instead of endless politicking about health care.
So during the Jets game, remember
the poor little rich girl who could not stop drug abuse.
Where does that leave the rest of us??
Stop raiding marijuana farms and concentrate drug enforcement on crystal lmeth labs and prescriptio abuse. Doctors should not prescribe oxycontin except to the terminally ill. That's who it was designed for.
You're a Jet from your first cigarette to your last dying day.
The Jets are all here
Their cylinders are clinking.
Hopefully the Jets will win just like they did last weekend while the owners daughter was dying in LA.
Win or lose-Let's use the Johnson heiress's death at 30 as a wake up call to the US Government. Stop doctors from overprescribing dangerous drugs to everyone. That's what Congress should be deciding instead of endless politicking about health care.
So during the Jets game, remember
the poor little rich girl who could not stop drug abuse.
Where does that leave the rest of us??
Friday, January 1, 2010
Killling of politicians-Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats was the favorite Christmas theme of our NRA gun toting friend at Christmas Eve and Day dinners. On Christmas Day they passed around a Write Me In As A candidate platform by Bill Cosby. Cosby who appears to have lost his mind and definitely his sense of humor advocated cutting off robbers hands like they do in Turkey,manning the US borders with retired military who would shoot people illegally going over the border unless they were going south to Mexico and other methods of punishing criminals that went out in the Dark Ages. It is as if they never heard of law or the numerous people incarcerated because they were wrongfully convicted.
They are not shy, worship Sara Palin and make Ebenezer Scrooge look like a choir boy on Christmas. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. What would Jesus do?
Killling of politicians-Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats was the favorite Christmas theme of our NRA gun toting friend at Christmas Eve and Day dinners. On Christmas Day they passed around a Write Me In As A candidate platform by Bill Cosby. Cosby who appears to have lost his mind and definitely his sense of humor advocated cutting off robbers hands like they do in Turkey,manning the US borders with retired military who would shoot people illegally going over the border unless they were going south to Mexico and other methods of punishing criminals that went out in the Dark Ages. It is as if they never heard of law or the numerous people incarcerated because they were wrongfully convicted.
They are not shy, worship Sara Palin and make Ebenezer Scrooge look like a choir boy on Christmas. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. What would Jesus do?
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