Sunday, February 15, 2009


Beisbol has been very,very good to me. So love is like baseball. All that matters is whether you score.
I'm still the only baby boomer not on prescription drugs. I have EKGs,MRIs,and blood tests next week to determine why I feel like I'm going to black out when I drive. I did black out and fall in the pool. But Dr. Samir says it's in my mind and don't do alternate nostril Yoga breathing. DON'T DO THAT : I SAID DOCTOR, MR MD. CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. HE SAID YOU NEED LOVE ,LOVE ,LOVE AND GAVE ME A BOTTLE OF LOVE POTION #9. Finally a prescription.


  1. Put da lime in coconut and drink em both up!

  2. They took X-Rays of your brain and found
    N O T H I N G !
